Brian Doyle, National Director
Brian has served on staff with The Navigators in their collegiate, military, church and community ministries. He also served as the New England Area Manager for Promise Keepers from 1995 – 1999. In 2000 he launched Vision New England Men’s Ministries and the Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences. In 2007, the ministry moved from VNE to Iron Sharpens Iron and became a national conference ministry that equips men to be the spiritual leaders in their homes, churches and communities. Over 500,000 men have attended an ISI Conference since 2001. From 2002-2012, Brian and Dave Beguerie ministered to men through a daily radio program for men heard on over 500 stations nationwide. Brian has served as a Board member of the National Coalition of Men’s Ministries www.ncmm.org since 2004 and as a founding board member of the Fatherhood Commission www.FatherhoodCommission.org since 2011. Brian has authored or co-authored several books including “Engage: Building Your Church-Based Ministry to Men”. Brian is a widower and with his sweet wife, Barb, raised five children to wholeheartedly follow Jesus. He lives in Jacksonville and is a member of the Church of Eleven22.

Thomas McMillan, Men’s Ministry Trainer
Thomas is a frequent speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences. He also serves as Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Ministry Trainer and area director for Man in the Mirror Ministries in Connecticut. Thomas serves as Eldering Pastor at Calvary Life Family Worship Center in Cheshire CT. He has served in various Ministry positions with a focus on Men’s Ministry for over 40 years. Thomas is married to the love of his life Laurie for 43 years has 3 adult children 2 children in law and 4 Grandchildren.

Daniel Sanchez, Technical Services Director
Serving as the Iron Sharpens Iron Technical Director, Dan has been managing the ISI Website, overseeing ISI electronic communication, and directing Conference sound, video, and projection. Dan is grateful for the ability to use his passion for technology to further the Kingdom and encourage men throughout the Nation.

Rex Tignor, Virtual Coordinator
Rex is a frequent speaker at Iron Sharpens Iron Conferences and is currently serving as Iron Sharpens Iron Men’s Ministry Trainer. He is the former Men’s Ministry Director for Redemption Ministries for the state of Virginia, assisting over 70 churches. Rex is also co-author of Why Ministry to Men with Dr. Dan Erickson of People Matter Ministries. His passion is to help Churches Build Effective Ministries for Men.

Bernie Norman, ISI Marriage Director
Since serving with FamilyLife from 1996-2001 Bernie and his wife Gale have continuously been ministering to couples throughout New England. Bernie has been serving as a bi-vocational pastor for the past 16 years. Bernie and Gale have been married for 37 years and have four adult children and seven grandchildren.