Men Need Measurables!

The Elephant in the Room
Men Like a Story!

Men Need Measurables!

Men want measurables. In fact, men need measurables.

Men want measurables. In fact, men need measurables.

What are you doing to clearly communicate to the individual man in your church how he is doing in his spiritual life? Men need to know how they are doing. Vagueness doesn’t work for men.

Men are wired to respond to measurables.
Men want to know their ‘batting average’.
Men want to be able to review the ‘balance sheet’.
Men want to see their ‘report card’.
Men want ‘lists’ that they can work from.
Men want to identify the ‘steps on the corporate ladder’.

Jesus believed in measurables. In Luke 14, he encouraged potential followers to stop and estimate what it would take to be his disciple. He then laid out the measure of a disciple when he said, “Any of you who does give up everything he has cannot be my disciple.” Measure that!

Paul believed in measurables as well. He gave the churches a number of ‘lists’ like the ‘fruits of the Spirit’ in Galatians 5 that they could work from. Great examples include the qualification lists found in Titus 1 and I Timothy 3. These aren’t just measurables for ‘official leaders’, but for godly men. (see below for an opportunity to interact with other leaders on these specific measurables)

The church seems to be nervous when it comes to measurables. We don’t want to be legalistic but rather focus on relationships based on grace. The question becomes what quantity of relationships based on grace does a man need to succeed as a Christ follower? What are the qualities and parameters of these relationships? How long does he need to keep them?

We need to make some changes. Men need to know if they are making progress. If they aren’t  – what needs to change? What steps do they need to take to make that change? How do they execute a plan to fix the problem and make the grade? What exactly does God expect of men and what does that look like in the 21st Century? Are you prepared to answer these questions?


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