Taking Your Men’s Ministry to the Next Level


Launching Effective Small Groups of Men

When launching small groups of last – here are a couple tips to avoid the typical pitfalls: Resist the temptation to be expedient in starting small groups.

Men on Their Knees

I. Men tend toward self sufficiency. Men don’t like to ask for help and this includes directions.

Reaching Men’s Hearts – Not Just Their Heads

I love the Word of God. God uses His Word to speak to me, instruct me and encourage me.

Return on Investment

When addressing how to create momentum in your men’s ministry, you may ask “How do you overcome the spiritual inertia in men?” Many men in the local church...

“Interesting and Relevant”

A simple survey question revealed an interesting answer. Men were asked to describe their local church experience. Two words came up more than any others.

“Men and Tunnel Vision”
