July 13 – Proverbs 13

July 6 – Proverbs 6
July 20 – Proverbs 20

July 13 – Proverbs 13

Little by Little

It’s the 13th of July, so let’s read chapter 13 of Proverbs! Verse 11 sticks out to me;  “Wealth gained hastily will dwindle, but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.”

‭‭What is hastily? The definition is ‘with excessive speed; hurriedly’. Sounds like a lump sum that people dream about. This is in contrast to little by little. There is a plan to little by little. Maybe this is daily. Maybe this is weekly or monthly. This plan would need to be very intentional.

*Dreaming or Planning? Little by little can start today!  What other wisdom can we glean from chapter 13?
