What Resonates With Men?

Launching Effective Small Groups of Men
Mobilizing Men to an Off Site Event

What Resonates With Men?

What resonates with the men in and around your church? What are you teaching men in your local church? What are the topics of the sermons? What are the Sunday School options? Wha...

What resonates with the men in and around your church?

What are you teaching men in your local church? What are the topics of the sermons? What are the Sunday School options? What are the small groups doing?

Is it resonating with the men? Are they giving you feedback?

Theology, apologetics, inductive bible study, church history, spiritual formation are all important aspects of building men. They need to be part of our men’s ministry. But does it resonate with the men? Does it meet their felt needs? Are we addressing the concerns of their life? Are we helping them succeed in areas that they consider to be important?

What is important to a man?
How do we get on his radar?
What resonates with men?

Here are a couple of ideas based on what I see working in local churches.

Do all that you can to equip men to succeed in their most important role. Men love their kids and God has wired them this way. Men may grow cold toward God, cold toward their wives, cold toward their friends – but rarely cold toward their children.

Offering children and youth programs is good, but not as good as offering resources and training for men to succeed and thrive as fathers and grandfathers. This year – consider a fathering seminar like Great Dads www.greatdads.org or give your men a Father’s Day gift like ‘TheFather Factor’ CD that features six national speakers on fathering. You can find these cd’s on the Iron Sharpens Iron website.

Men want to help you. They want to serve. They are not looking for you to help them.

Men really want to serve those in real need. This resonates with them. It is definitely part of the masculine context. Their heart goes out to widows, single moms and people in distress. This is a ‘safe’ area for men as they are in the position of strength and are offering their skills and talents to help others in need. If you pull men together to serve others then this can also be a place where men build brotherhood with other men.

Herb Reese of New Commandment Men’s Ministries is helping churches develop a “Men’s TeamMinistry to the Distressed in Your Church and Community”. For more information on this, shoot an email to brian.doyle@ironsharpensiron.net

*Are you listening to our daily radio program for men? Go to www.Man2ManExpress.com to hear today’s daily broadcast. 
