August 10 – Proverbs 10

August 3 – Proverbs 3
August 17 – Proverbs 17

August 10 – Proverbs 10


It’s August 10th, so let’s read the 10th chapter of the book of Proverbs!  King ‭‭Solomon is on a roll here as two times, in verses 8 & 10, he states that the ‘chattering fool’ will come to ruin. Yikes! I am focusing on a similar thought in verse 19; “When there are many words, sin is ‘unavoidable’, but the one who controls his lips is wise.”

Chatter is defined as “to talk (text, post, etc) rapidly or incessantly about trivial matters”. This verse points out that sin – or offending God and others – is ‘unavoidable’ if I do not control my communication. Simply put, less words – less trouble!

What other wisdom can we glean today from chapter 10?

