August 3 – Proverbs 3

July 27 – Proverbs 27
August 10 – Proverbs 10

August 3 – Proverbs 3

Just Do It!

It’s Monday and the 3rd day of August, let’s read the 3rd chapter of Proverbs!  Near the end of this chapter in verse 27 we read; “Do not withold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it!”  Who is in your life today that is deserving of some ‘good’?  Make a quick mental list!

King Solomon writes, ‘do not withold good‘ from those people on your list. Consider one idea for one person on your list and then simply ‘do it’!  Then tomorrow consider another idea for another person on your list and once again – ‘just do it’! This week we can each move from good intention to good execution, simply by taking an idea and ‘doing it’!

What other wisdom can you find in Chapter 3 of Proverbs?
