Jay Penton is 53 and lives in Prattville, Alabama with his wife Dana of 26 years. They have 2 adult children.
Jay has been in law enforcement most of his adult life. He served as a Military Police in the US Army on both active duty and in the National Guard for 22 years and as an Alabama State Trooper since 1997. He recently retired from the Alabama State Troopers after 24 years of service.
He has a passion for men’s ministry. He serves as Men’s Pastor at Boones Chapel in Prattville, Alabama and is the men’s ministry coordinator for the 30 churches of Autauga County Baptist Association. He is also an Arena Coach and National Team Captain for Men in the Arena, a non-profit Christian ministry focused on equipping men to honor God.
Jay has recently started a ministry called “Stand Up Men!” The purpose of this ministry is to encourage and build up men to stand up and listen to God and answer the call that He has given them. “Stand Up Men” offers opportunities for experienced speakers, coaches and teachers to show churches how to build a thriving men’s ministry program that encourages men to stand up for the call of Christ.