Bryan Carter


Bryan Carter

Rev. Bryan L. Carter is the Senior Pastor at Concord Church of Dallas, TX. Concord, nestled in the southern sector of Dallas, TX, was established in 1974 and has a membership exceeding 6,000 members. Rev. Carter has served as Senior Pastor since October 2003.

Bryndan Lorritts

Pastor Bryndan C. Loritts is the son of Dr. Crawford and Karen Loritts! He was raised in Atlanta Georgia in a vibrant Christian home...

Caesar Kalinowski

Caesar Kalinowski is the author of the top-selling book, The Gospel Primer. His latest books include, Transformed, Small is Big, Slow is Fast and...

Chris & Susan Willard

Chris and Susan were sweethearts at the University of Massachusetts and were married in 1986. Susan has a BFA in painting and design and...

Chris Boyko

Chris Boyko, first and foremost, is a soldier in God's Kingdom, and Jesus is his commanding officer. This was realized in...

Chuck Stecker

Chuck Stecker is the President and Founder of A Chosen Generation and has recently written a book for parents and leaders about Rites of Passage entitled, Men of Honor & Women of Virtue, Raising Kids to Keep the Faith. Chuck previously served in key leadership positions as an Army Lieutenant Colonel including three years on the Joint Staff in the Pentagon. After his retirement, he served with Promise Keepers for three years as a Regional Director.

Clarence and Brenda Shuler

Dr. Clarence and Brenda are parents to three young adult daughters (he’s the minority in their sorority), author, marriage counselor, speaker, and life &...

Crawford and Karen Lorrits

Crawford was ordained to the ministry in March 1972. He and Karen attended Cairn University. They were married on May 22, 1971. He and Karen are...

Crawford Loritts

Is the senior pastor of Fellowship Bible in Roswell, GA. He served as a national evangelist with the American Missionary Fellowship and the Urban Evangelistic Mission, and as Associate Director of Campus Crusade for Christ. He is a frequent speaker for professional sports teams. He regularly speaks at conferences, Churches, conventions and outreaches.