“The Ultimate Father” Part I

“The Ultimate Father” Part I

This is Brian Doyle with Iron Sharpens Iron and as I read the Scriptures, I am reminded that there is an Ultimate Father and he gives dads like us a model and an example to follow…

Matthew 3:16-17
“As soon as Jesus was baptized, he went up out of the water. At that moment heaven was opened, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased.”

‭‭The voice from heaven is from the Ultimate Father, God the Father! He has something to say and He says it loud and He says it clear and He says it so that all can hear. ‬‬‬‬

He actually says a few things but He starts with ‘This is my Son’.
He starts with ‘Identity’.

Kids – especially in the 21st century need to know ‘Who am I?” ‘Whose am I?”

Identity is a big deal and so many struggle young people with this.

A primary role of a dad, following the example of the Ultimate Father, is to make clear our child’s identity. We can do this in a variety of ways but one way we must do it is to declare it with our words and to do this – it with joy.

You can do it your own way but one of the ways I clarify and that I affirm my child’s identity is to pause and pray over them and say to God; Thank you that Susie is my daughter and that I get to be her dad. Or Thank you Father that Tim is my son and that I get to be his dad.

You can do this! We all must do something like this.

We also need to step up and affirm their identity in Christ
– As new creations
– As children of God
– As image-bearers

Heavenly Father would You give us the courage to step up and step into this role and be the men who clarify and affirm our own children’s identity. In Jesus’ Name, Amen

Now Go be a Dad and we’ll see you next time……

Meet The Speakers | ISI Burlington 2-26-22
“The Ultimate Father” Part II