‘Run to Win’

ISI Tune-Up | Building Brotherhood
‘A Crown That Lasts’

‘Run to Win’

I Corinthians 9:24

“Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one receives the prize? Run in such a way that you may win.”

Looks like those cynics were right after all. These participation trophies that we as a culture dutifully give out to everyone are not biblical.

Not only that but there is no silver medal for second place and no bronze medal for third.  These are man-made creations. There is only one prize and that prize goes to the winner.

A parent’s encouragement to a child to just ‘do your best’ seems solid but it doesn’t fit at all with this particular Scripture in I Corinthians.

So yes to participating. Yes to doing your very best. But there will be no prize for either. The only prize goes to the runner who finishes first.

Paul states all this to raise the bar for the Christ follower. If I am going to run, then I must run to win. Of course, this is not about athletics, but more about me ‘breaking away from the pack’ and setting my sights on winning for Christ.


How has the participation trophy culture impacted you? 
